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Hertzinger pushes boundaries where others stop

Want to innovate sustainably?

Green recreational parks are part of a new and emerging market. We are at the beginning of a new era—one where vacations can be entirely energy-neutral. As a recreational park operator, you can lead the way. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of their ecological footprint, even during their holidays. Integrating green energy into your park not only reduces costs and energy consumption but also enhances your sustainable image.



What if we could provide entire recreational parks with green energy? That’s the question that started it all. Green Connect is the newest brand under Hertzinger. For the past 30 years, we have equipped recreational parks across Europe with TV and internet technology.

But the market is changing. CO2 emissions must decrease, gas prices are skyrocketing, and electricity grids are under strain. Green energy is the solution. Across the Netherlands, homes are being outfitted with solar panels, and recreational parks, too, benefit greatly from energy-efficient solutions. Those who start their journey towards sustainability now are preparing for a future full of opportunities.

Step 1 of 5

Schedule an Appointment

We understand the unique challenges faced by the corporate industry when it comes to grid congestion. Contact us to discover how we can address your specific challenges. Through a phone call or an in-person meeting on-site, we explore the possibilities by listening to your needs and requirements.

Bedrijfspand en bus van Hertzinger, leverancier van duurzame oplossingen voor vakantieparken.


We are ready to embrace your vision. Whether it’s creating something entirely new from scratch, optimizing your energy management, or finding innovative solutions to reduce peak loads, we think along with you. With our expertise and experience, we offer completely non-binding advice tailored to your needs.

Medewerker controleert voorraad als onderdeel van duurzame oplossingen voor vakantieparken.


After a thorough assessment and focus on high-quality materials, we present a detailed and non-binding proposal. This proposal goes beyond just implementing a practical plan. We also advise on efficiency and cost savings. For larger projects, we provide a full calculation.

Analyseren van data voor duurzame oplossingen voor vakantieparken, gericht op energiebeheer


We offer intensive guidance from budgeting to execution, ensuring the results align with the agreed goals. This close collaboration guarantees a successful and seamless implementation of the project. After completion, we maintain the relationship to address any further needs or questions related to the provided solution.

Installatie van duurzame oplossingen voor vakantieparken, zoals zonnepanelen, door monteur.


After implementation, we continue to offer our services, available 7 days a week for any emergencies or incidents. Additionally, we conduct annual evaluations of the installed system to implement necessary adjustments or updates. You will also receive annual reports, giving you insight into energy usage and the performance of the implemented system.

Vrouw werkt aan duurzame oplossingen voor vakantieparken, met focus op digitale administratie en communicatie
Lodgepark ’t Vechtdal met duurzame chalets, zonnepanelen en batterijopslag, een inspirerend voorbeeld van een microgrid recreatiepark.

Lodgepark ‘t Vechtdal

Hertzinger Green Connect has installed an innovative microgrid at Lodgepark 't Vechtdal, utilizing solar panels, battery storage, and smart software. This sustainable energy solution ensures that the 12 chalets in the park share energy and are almost fully self-sufficient. The project contributes to reducing the ecological footprint and demonstrates how holiday parks can operate energy-neutrally without compromising on comfort and modernity.

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Ook duurzaam willen innoveren?

Laat netcongestie geen obstakel zijn voor jouw bedrijf. Met onze grote batterij oplossingen, energie deling of duurzame onderkomens kan je niet alleen jouw energiekosten verlagen, maar ook de stabiliteit van jouw bedrijfsvoering verbeteren. Neem contact met ons op om te ontdekken hoe onze oplossingen op maat kunnen worden afgestemd op jouw specifieke behoeften. Ontdek hoe je kunt profiteren van betrouwbaarder, efficiënter en duurzamer energiebeheer. Samen bouwen we aan een toekomst waarin netcongestie geen belemmering meer vormt voor jouw zakelijke groei.

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